Sunday, November 25, 2012

Business Card Drafts

Letter Head Drafts

Company Questionnaire

1)  What is your business?
We make wingsuits.

2)  Describe your business in one sentence
We design and manufacture hand made professional wingsuits for professionals and people who are looking to get into the hobby.

3)  Who is your target audience?
Skydivers. Teenagers and Adults. Athletes. Men and Women. Thrill Seekers. 

4)  Who are your competitors?
Tony Wingsuits 
Wicked Wingsuits

5)  What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
Phoenix-Fly is the most professional out of the group. Their website is specific to wingsuits and is visually appealing. Tony wingsuits is slightly less professional. They offer the same product, yet it’s not a visually striking as it could be. Wicked Wingsuits have a simple website, that’s effective to attending to their customers specific needs. Birdman wingsuits don’t even have their site up and running. They only have a backstory to their company. 

6)  Do you currently have an identity?
Yes, our company logo and identity is established.

7)  What do you like and what don't you like about it?
I like the logo overall. I might change the coloring though, as the coloring now I feel could be better. The light and dark brown color scheme doesn't stand out, and I want my logo to really catch the human eye's attention. 

These following questions might seem silly, but their purpose is to help generate ideas.

1) How do you want your company image to be seen in two years?
I want to be realistic about HawkEye’s goals for the future. I see my company successfully planted in the wingsuit manufacturing industry. I also see a consumer that comes to HawkEye to find what we give them that other wingsuit companies don’t. We will be known for making custom suits, where the customer can choose to make their wingsuits online (like Nike does with NikeID). If they wanted to add a custom logo, they could for a increased price to their order. If my company is known for that in two years, we will be in the place that we need to be. 

2)  If your comapny was an animal, what would it be and why?
Our company mascot is in our logo and our name. “HawkEye” provides our customers with an association to our company and our products. The hawk on the company logo will be placed on all our products.

3)  If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
Our company would best be represented by Felix Baumgartner. He recently broke the world record for highest skydive. From a capsule that was being carried by a large balloon, he was able to jump from the stratosphere. He reached a estimated speed of 834 mph during his decent. If HawkEye could get him to represent our company, it would increase the curiosity of our product. His amazing jump is not only right up our alley, but he is famous across the world for his feat. This could propel HawkEye and Felix into a bright future, if done correctly. 

4)  If your company was a object, what would it be?
A custom made wingsuit. 

5)  If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
My cartoon customers would likely be the character’s from the show Rocket Power. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Project 4: Lyrical Collage

For this project, we had to create a collage that was based from a lyric or poem we like. I recreated a revolutionary war battlefield from scratch. I'm happy with the way the final product came out. If there was some final touches that I would change, it would be the smoke. In the future, I'll be able to add more to this picture when I've mastered that side of photoshop.